
شیعہ اشعار سے

یاد دہانی: محفوظ کرنے کے بعد ان تبدیلیوں کو دیکھنے کے لیے آپ کو اپنے براؤزر کا کیش (cache) صاف کرنا ہوگا۔

  • فائرفاکس/ سفاری: جب Reload پر کلک کریں تو Shift دباکر رکھیں، یا Ctrl-F5 یا Ctrl-R دبائیں (Mac پر R-⌘)
  • گوگل کروم: Ctrl-Shift-R دبائیں (Mac پر Shift-R-⌘)
  • انٹرنیٹ ایکسپلورر: جب Refresh پر کلک کریں تو Ctrl یا Ctrl-F5 دبائیں
  • اوپیرا: Tools → Preferences میں جائیں اور کیش (cache) صاف کریں
	* JIN - JavaScript Interface library
	* 		by Alex Barley
	* You are free to reuse, modify and redistribute this
	* code providing that attribution remains fully intact.


- added ability for buttons to inherit their colour from their
parent toolbar.

- fixed a bug where Firefox would not correctly resize splitter 
panels if the overflow parameter was set.
- fixed a bug where the wrong event id would be returned when
adding a listener to the mouseover event.

- fixed a bug where inserting content into an element would
result in the element ordering being changed upon re-rendering.

- added ability to inject HTML directly into elements
- this should deprecate external uses of this.panel
- injection occurs before children are rendered on all
elements. This sets priorities correctly.

- added ability to fill up to a specified distance from the 
right/bottom edge.
- altered notation for sizing - 0 now completely fills, a
negative value now fills up to that distance from the other edge.

- added preference for hiding buttons from the left or right
as the parent panel becomes too small for the toolbar to display

- fixed a bug where Toolbar buttons disappeared on screen resize.

- added Toolbar

- added performance mode for resize-rendering for slower computers
and browsers. Consider activating by default in poor browsers 
(current Safari/old IE)?

- fixed a bug where the SplitterPanel drag handle could become
invisible if the screen is resized over it. It will now be pushed
by the screen edge according to the set tolerance.

- added screen-match resizing. A full-screen canvas will now re-render
all elements as required to match a changing screensize.

- added SplitterPanel



if ( ! jin )
	var jin = new Jin ();

// Class Jin - expects global instance
function Jin () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	var version = "1.06a";
	var authors = "Alex Barley";
	var zTicket = 0;
	this.globalSettings = {
		'allowOverflow' : false
	// Define info methods
	this.getVersion = function () {
		return version;
	this.getAuthors = function () {
		return authors;
	// Define general helper methods
	this.getDocument = function () {
		return document.getElementsByTagName ( "body" )[0];
	this.handleException = function ( exception ) {
		try { 
			var temp = exception.getMessage ();
		} catch ( e ) {
			throw exception;
		throw temp;
		return exception.id;
	this.elementEvent = function ( element, eventType, eventAction ) {
		if ( eventType.indexOf ( 'on' ) == 0 ) eventType = eventType.substr ( 2 );
		$ ( element ).on ( eventType + '.iglooEvent', eventAction );
		return this;
	this.z = function () {
		return zTicket ++;
	this.zIndex = function () {
		return zTicket;
	this.forceZ = function ( newZ, doForce ) {
		if ( doForce === true ) {
			zTicket = newZ;
	// Run contructor
	console.log ( "JIN: initialised (version: " + this.getVersion () + ", authors: " + this.getAuthors () + ")" );
	return this;

// Class ElementEvents [static]
	// prototyped -> Jin
function Settings () {
	this.performance_livePreview = false;
Jin.prototype.Settings = new Settings ();

	GENERAL ==========================
// Class ElementEvents
	// prototyped -> Jin
function ElementEvents () {
	var me = this;
	// State
	this.eventsEnabled = true;
	this.eventsAllowed = false;
	this.mouseMoveCount = 0;
	this.performanceCap = 4;
	this.mouseover = new Array ();
	this.mouseout = new Array ();
	this.click = new Array ();
	this.mousedown = new Array ();
	this.mouseup = new Array ();
	this.mousemove = new Array ();
	// Methods
	this.add = function ( eventType, eventAction ) {
		if ( typeof eventType != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof eventType );
		if ( eventType.indexOf ( 'on' ) == 0 ) eventType = eventType.substr ( 2 );
		switch ( eventType ) {
			case 'mouseover':
				return this.mouseover.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
			case 'mouseout':
				return this.mouseout.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
			case 'click':
				return this.click.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
			case 'mousedown':
				return this.mousedown.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
			case 'mouseup':
				return this.mouseup.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
			case 'mousemove':
				return this.mousemove.push ( eventAction ) - 1;
	this.bind = function ( bindTo ) {
		// Bind each function to the element in turn
		// Temporarily disable events
		this.eventsAllowed = false;
		// Run attach
		var attachMouseOver = function ( e ) {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			for ( var i = 0; i < me.mouseover.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( me.mouseover[i] == null ) continue;
				me.mouseover[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		var attachMouseOut = function ( e ) {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			for ( var i = 0; i < me.mouseout.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( me.mouseout[i] == null ) continue;
				me.mouseout[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		var attachClick = function ( e ) {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			for ( var i = 0; i < me.click.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( me.click[i] == null ) continue;
				me.click[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		var attachMouseDown = function  e () {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			for ( var i = 0; i < me.mousedown.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( me.mousedown[i] == null ) continue;
				me.mousedown[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		var attachMouseUp = function ( e ) {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			for ( var i = 0; i < me.mouseup.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( me.mouseup[i] == null ) continue;
				me.mouseup[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		var attachMouseMove = function ( e ) {
			if ( ( ! me.eventsEnabled ) || ( ! me.eventsAllowed ) ) return;
			if ( me.mouseMoveCount ++ < me.performanceCap ) { return; } else {
				me.mouseMoveCount = 0;
				for ( var i = 0; i < me.mousemove.length; i ++ ) {
					if ( me.mousemove[i] == null ) continue;
					me.mousemove[i] ( e, bindTo, me );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'mouseover', attachMouseOver );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'mouseout', attachMouseOut );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'click', attachClick );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'mousedown', attachMouseDown );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'mouseup', attachMouseUp );
		jin.elementEvent ( bindTo, 'mousemove', attachMouseMove );
		this.eventsAllowed = true;
		return 1;
	this.allowEvents = function () {
		this.eventsAllowed = true;
	this.remove = function ( eventType, eventId ) {
		if ( typeof eventType != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof eventType );
		if ( typeof eventId != "number" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: number, Found: " + typeof eventId );
		if ( eventType.indexOf ( 'on' ) == 0 ) eventType = eventType.substr ( 2 );
		switch ( eventType ) {
			case 'mouseover':
				this.mouseover[eventId] = null;
			case 'mouseout':
				this.mouseout[eventId] = null;
			case 'click':
				this.click[eventId] = null;
			case 'mousedown':
				this.mousedown[eventId] = null;
			case 'mouseup':
				this.mouseup[eventId] = null;
			case 'mousemove':
				//alert('removing mousemove event');
				this.mousemove[eventId] = null;
		return this;
	return this;
Jin.prototype.ElementEvents = ElementEvents;

	ELEMENTS ==========================

// Class Canvas
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// SET methods for this Class are chainable
function Canvas () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	this.type = 'canvas';
	this.height = 0;
	this.width = 0;
	this.colour = jin.Colour.BLACK;
	this.alpha = 1;
	this.fullScreen = false;
	this.overflow = false;
	this.canvasBase = null;
	this.rendered = false;
	this.canvasEl = false;
	this.liveResize = null;
	this.canvasElements = new Array ();
	// Define methods
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.width = newWidth;
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.height = newHeight;
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.setWidth ( newWidth );
		this.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.alpha = newAlpha;
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		if ( typeof newColour != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newColour );
		this.colour = newColour;
		return this;
	this.onWindowResize = function ( e ) {
		if ( me.fullScreen ) {
			if ( jin.Settings.performance_livePreview ) {
				me.render ();
			} else {
				if ( me.liveReisze !== null ) clearTimeout ( me.liveResize );
				me.liveResize = setTimeout ( function () { me.render (); }, 70 );
	this.setFullScreen = function ( setTo ) {
		if ( typeof setTo != "boolean" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: boolean, Found: " + typeof setTo );
		this.fullScreen = setTo;
		return this;
	this.setOverflow = function ( setTo ) {
		if ( typeof setTo != 'boolean' ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( 'Expecting: boolean, Found: ' + typeof setTo );
		this.overflow = setTo;
		return this;
	this.add = function ( addItem ) {
		if ( addItem.setCanvas ) addItem.setCanvas ( this );
		this.canvasElements.push ( addItem );
		return this.canvasElements.length - 1;
	this.render = function () {
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.canvasBase == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Canvas cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) this.canvasBase = arguments [0];
		if ( this.canvasBase == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Canvas cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.canvasBase != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.canvasBase );
		if ( typeof this.canvasBase.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element" );
		if ( ! this.rendered ) {
			this.rendered = true;
			// Create the drawing canvas
			this.canvasEl = document.createElement ( 'div' );
			// Handle sizing, including stretching to parent
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.width = parent.offsetWidth + 'px'; } else if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.width = ( parent.offsetWidth - this.getWidth () ) + 'px'; } else { this.canvasEl.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.height = parent.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.height = ( parent.offsetHeight - this.getHeight () ) + 'px'; } else { this.canvasEl.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.canvasEl.style.position = 'relative';
			this.canvasEl.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.canvasEl.style.opacity = this.alpha;
			this.canvasEl.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.alpha * 100 + ')';
			if ( ( this.overflow != true ) || ( jin.globalSettings.allowOverflow == false ) ) this.canvasEl.style.overflow = 'hidden';
			// Handle fullscreen
			if ( this.getFullScreen () == true ) {
				this.canvasEl.style.position = 'fixed';
				this.canvasEl.style.top = '0px';
				this.canvasEl.style.left = '0px';
				this.canvasEl.style.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px';
				this.canvasEl.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px';
			// Render elements onto the canvas
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.canvasElements.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( ! this.canvasElements[i].render ) continue;
				this.canvasElements[i].render ( this.canvasEl );
			// Remove elements from the parent
			while ( this.canvasBase.childNodes.length > 0 ) {
				this.canvasBase.removeChild ( this.canvasBase.firstChild );
			// Attach drawing canvas to the parent
			this.canvasBase.appendChild ( this.canvasEl );
		} else {
			// Handle sizing, including stretching to parent
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.width = parent.offsetWidth + 'px'; } else if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.width = ( parent.offsetWidth - this.getWidth () ) + 'px'; } else { this.canvasEl.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.height = parent.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.canvasEl.style.height = ( parent.offsetHeight - this.getHeight () ) + 'px'; } else { this.canvasEl.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.canvasEl.style.position = 'relative';
			this.canvasEl.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.canvasEl.style.opacity = this.alpha;
			this.canvasEl.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.alpha * 100 + ')';
			if ( ( this.overflow != true ) || ( jin.globalSettings.allowOverflow == false ) ) this.canvasEl.style.overflow = 'hidden';
			// Handle fullscreen
			if ( this.getFullScreen () == true ) {
				this.canvasEl.style.position = 'fixed';
				this.canvasEl.style.top = '0px';
				this.canvasEl.style.left = '0px';
				this.canvasEl.style.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px';
				this.canvasEl.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px';
			// Render elements onto the canvas
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.canvasElements.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( ! this.canvasElements[i].render ) continue;
				this.canvasElements[i].render ( this.canvasEl );
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.width;
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.height;
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.alpha;
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.colour;
	this.getFullScreen = function () {
		return this.fullScreen;
	this.getParent = function () {
		if ( this.canvasBase == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Instance of Canvas has null parent" );
	this.getOverflow = function () {
		return this.overflow;
	this.getMousePosition = function ( firingEvent ) {
		var mouse = new Array ( firingEvent.pageX, firingEvent.pageY );
		// update relative to the canvas
		mouse[0] -= this.getLeft ();
		mouse[1] -= this.getTop ();
		return mouse;
	// Run constructor
		// Register interest in resizing
		$ ( window ).on ( 'resize.iglooEvent', me.onWindowResize );
		// Log canvas
		console.log ( "JIN: canvas created successfully, ready for drawing" );
	return this;
Jin.prototype.Canvas = Canvas;

// Class Panel
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// SET methods for this Class are chainable
	// Provides a standard mini-canvas within a canvas; negative dimensions will fill
	// in that direction
function Panel () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	this.type = 'panel';
	this.top = 0;
	this.left = 0;
	this.width = 0;
	this.height = 0;
	this.colour = jin.Colour.DARK_GREY;
	this.alpha = 1;
	this.overflow = 'hidden';
	var z = jin.z ();
	this.cursor = 'auto';
	this.content = '';
	this.parent = null;
	this.rendered = false;
	this.panelParent = null;
	this.panel = null;
	this.canvas = null;
	this.panelEvents = new jin.ElementEvents (); //new Array ();
	this.panelElements = new Array ();
	// Define methods
	this.setCanvas = function ( newCanvas ) {
		this.canvas = newCanvas;
		return this;
	this.setLeft = function ( fromLeft ) {
		this.left = fromLeft;
		return this;
	this.setTop = function ( fromTop ) {
		this.top = fromTop;
		return this;
	this.setPosition = function ( fromLeft, fromTop ) {
		this.setLeft ( fromLeft );
		this.setTop ( fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.width = newWidth;
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.height = newHeight;
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.setWidth ( newWidth );
		this.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.alpha = newAlpha;
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		if ( typeof newColour != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newColour );
		this.colour = newColour;
		return this;
	this.setCursor = function ( newCursor ) {
		if ( typeof newCursor != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newCursor );
		this.cursor = newCursor;
		return this;
	this.setOverflow = function ( newOverflow ) {
		if ( typeof newOverflow != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newOverflow );
		this.overflow = newOverflow;
		return this;
	this.setZ = function ( newZ ) {
		if ( newZ > jin.zIndex () ) jin.forceZ ( newZ + 1, true );
		z = newZ;
		return this;
	this.setContent = function () {
		if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
			this.content = arguments[0];
		} else if ( arguments.length == 2 ) {
			this.content = arguments[0];
			if ( arguments[1] == true ) {
				this.reRender ( true );
		} else {
			throw new BadArgumentsException ( "Expecting: 1 or 2 arguments, Found: " + arguments.length );
		return this;
	this.setParent = function ( newParent ) {
		this.parent = newParent;
		return this;
	this.addEvent = function ( eventType, eventAction ) {
		this.panelEvents.add ( eventType, eventAction );
		return 1;
	this.removeEvent = function ( id ) {
		if ( this.panelEvents[id] ) this.panelEvents[id] = null;
		return id;
	this.add = function ( addItem ) {
		if ( addItem.setParent ) addItem.setParent ( this );
		if ( addItem.setCanvas ) addItem.setCanvas ( this.getCanvas () );
		if ( addItem.getZ ) addItem.setZ ( addItem.getZ () + this.getZ () );
		return this.panelElements.push ( addItem ) - 1;
	this.render = function () {
		// All 'childen' of Canvas must expose a method called render. This method
		// takes a document element and appends the created object onto it.
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.panelParent == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Panel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) this.panelParent = arguments [0];
		if ( this.panelParent == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Panel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.panelParent );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element, not found" );
		if ( ! this.rendered ) {
			this.rendered = true;
			// Create the panel
			this.panel = document.createElement ( 'div' );
			this.panel.innerHTML = this.getContent ();
			// Handle sizing, including stretching out to parent where necessary
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.panel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.panel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.panel.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.panel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.panel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.panel.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.panel.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.panel.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.panel.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			this.panel.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.panel.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.panel.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.panel.style.cursor = this.getCursor ();
			this.panel.style.overflow = this.getOverflow ();
			this.panel.style.zIndex = z;
			// Connect events to this panel
			this.panelEvents.bind ( this.panel );
			// Render children onto the panel
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( ! this.panelElements[i].render ) continue;
				this.panelElements[i].render ( this.panel );

			this.panelParent.appendChild ( this.panel );
		} else {
			// Handle sizing, including stretching out to parent where necessary
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.panel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.panel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.panel.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.panel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.panel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.panel.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.panel.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.panel.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.panel.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			this.panel.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.panel.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.panel.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.panel.style.cursor = this.getCursor ();
			this.panel.style.zIndex = z;
			// Hide if we have no size
			if ( ( this.getActualWidth () <= 0 ) || ( this.getActualHeight <= 0 ) ) { this.panel.style.display = 'none'; } else {
				this.panel.style.display = 'block';
			// Render children onto the panel
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( ! this.panelElements[i].render ) continue;
				this.panelElements[i].render ( this.panel );
	// reRender requests that this, and all children, remove themselves
	// and restart the rendering process from scratch with their current
	// settings. If this is an initialCall [true], then this object is
	// responsible for re-calling 'render' on the drawing tree.
	this.reRender = function ( initialCall ) {
		// Remove us from the parent, if we exist.
		if ( this.panel != null ) {
			if ( this.panelParent == this.panel.parentNode ) {
				this.panelParent.removeChild ( this.panel );
		// Request for all children.
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ! this.panelElements[i].reRender ) continue;
			this.panelElements[i].reRender ( false );
		this.rendered = false;
		// If this is the initial (highest) call, then it is 
		// at the base of the drawing tree and responsible for
		// calling render.
		if ( initialCall ) {
			this.render ();
	this.clear = function () {
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ! this.panelElements[i].destroy ) continue;
			this.panelElements[i].destroy ();
		this.panelElements = new Array ();
		return this;
	// destroy permanently removes this, and all children, from the 
	// drawing tree.
	this.destroy = function () {
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ! this.panelElements[i].destroy ) continue;
			this.panelElements[i].destroy ();
		this.panelElements = new Array ();
		if ( this.panel != null ) {
			if ( this.panelParent == this.panel.parentNode ) {
				this.panelParent.removeChild ( this.panel );
		this.rendered = false;
		return this;
	this.getCanvas = function () {
		return this.canvas;
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.width;
	this.getOverflow = function () {
		return this.overflow;
	this.getZ = function () {
		return z;
	this.getActualWidth = function () {
		if ( this.width == 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width, 10 ) - this.getLeft (); } else if ( this.width < 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width, 10 ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft (); } else { return this.width; }
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.height;
	this.getActualHeight = function () {
		if ( this.height == 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height, 10 ) - this.getTop (); } else if ( this.height < 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height, 10 ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop (); } else { return this.height; }
	this.getTop = function () {
		return this.top;
	this.getLeft = function () {
		return this.left;
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.alpha;
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.colour;
	this.getContent = function () {
		return this.content;
	this.getCursor = function () {
		return this.cursor;
	this.getParent = function () {
		return this.parent;
	// Run constructor
	return this;
Jin.prototype.Panel = Panel;

// Class SplitterPanel
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// SplitterPanel allows the creation of a panel split into
	// two parts that can be resized by dragging in the cetnre.
	// It exposes a .right and .left content panel for which
	// the .add method can be called. Calling .add directly on
	// instances of this class will add them to the .right panel
	// which is assumed to be the content panel.
function SplitterPanel () {
	var me = this;
	this.type = 'splitterPanel';
	if ( arguments.length == 0 ) {
		this.splitterType = 'horizontal';
	} else {
		if ( typeof arguments[0] != 'string' ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof arguments[0] );
		if ( ( arguments[0] != 'vertical' ) && ( arguments[0] != 'horizontal' ) ) throw new BadArgumentsException ( "Expecting [vertical/horizontal], Found: " + arguments[0] );
		this.splitterType = arguments[0];
	this.topPos = 0;
	this.leftPos = 0;
	this.width = 0;
	this.height = 0;
	this.padding = 0;
	this.colour = jin.Colour.DARK_GREY;
	this.alpha = 1;
	var z = jin.z ();
	this.dragWidth = 8;
	this.dragPosition = 100;
	this.dragTolerance = 20;
	this.dragEvent = null;
	this.doDrag = false;
	this.dragCount = 0;
	this.dragLimit = 4;
	this.rendered = false;
	this.backingPanel = null;
	this.a = this.top = this.left = new jin.Panel ();
	this.b = this.bottom = this.right = new jin.Panel ();
	this.draggerBar = new jin.Panel ();
	this.panelParent = null;
	this.canvas = null;
	this.panelEvents = new jin.ElementEvents (); //new Array ();
	// Define methods
	this.setCanvas = function ( newCanvas ) {
		this.canvas = newCanvas;
		return this;
	this.setLeft = function ( fromLeft ) {
		this.leftPos = fromLeft;
		return this;
	this.setTop = function ( fromTop ) {
		this.topPos = fromTop;
		return this;
	this.setPosition = function ( fromLeft, fromTop ) {
		this.setLeft ( fromLeft );
		this.setTop ( fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.width = newWidth;
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.height = newHeight;
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.setWidth ( newWidth );
		this.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.alpha = newAlpha;
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		if ( typeof newColour != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newColour );
		this.colour = newColour;
		return this;
	this.setZ = function ( newZ ) {
		if ( newZ > jin.zIndex () ) jin.forceZ ( newZ + 1, true );
		difference = newZ - this.getZ ();
		z = newZ;
		this.a.setZ ( this.a.getZ () + difference );
		this.b.setZ ( this.b.getZ () + difference );
		return this;
	this.setInitialDrag = function ( newDrag ) {
		this.dragPosition = newDrag;
	this.setDrag = function ( newDrag ) {
		if ( newDrag < this.dragTolerance ) newDrag = this.dragTolerance;
		if ( this.getType () == 'horizontal' ) {
			if ( newDrag > this.getActualWidth () - this.dragTolerance ) newDrag = this.getActualWidth () - this.dragTolerance;
			this.dragPosition = newDrag;
		} else {
			if ( newDrag > this.getActualHeight () - this.dragTolerance ) newDrag = this.getActualHeight () - this.dragTolerance;
			this.dragPosition = newDrag;
		return this;
	this.addEvent = function ( eventType, eventAction ) {
		return this.panelEvents.add ( eventType, eventAction );
	this.removeEvent = function ( id ) {
		if ( this.panelEvents[id] ) this.panelEvents[id] = null;
		return id;
	this.add = function ( addItem ) {
		if ( addItem.setCanvas ) addItem.setCanvas ( this.getCanvas () );
		return this.right.add ( addItem );
	this.render = function () {
		// All 'childen' of Canvas must expose a method called render. This method
		// takes a document element and appends the created object onto it.
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.panelParent == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type SplitterPanel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) this.panelParent = arguments [0];
		if ( this.panelParent == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type SplitterPanel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.panelParent );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element, not found" );
		if ( ! this.rendered ) {
			this.rendered = true;
			// Create the backing panel
			this.backingPanel = document.createElement ( 'div' );
			// Handle sizing, including stretching out to parent where necessary
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.backingPanel.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.backingPanel.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.backingPanel.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.backingPanel.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.backingPanel.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			this.backingPanel.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.backingPanel.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.backingPanel.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.backingPanel.style.zIndex = z;
			// Connect events to this backingPanel
			this.panelEvents.bind ( this.backingPanel );
			// We've created the backing panel itself. Now manage the
			// actual panel elements that we will use to manage the
			// splitter.
			if ( this.splitterType == 'horizontal' ) {
				this.a.setSize ( this.getDrag (), 0 ).setPosition ( 0, 0 );
				this.draggerBar.setSize ( this.dragWidth, 0 ).setPosition ( this.getDrag (), 0 ).setColour ( this.getColour () ).setCursor ( 'w-resize' ).setOverflow ( 'visible' );
				this.b.setSize ( 0, 0 ).setPosition ( this.getDrag () + this.dragWidth, 0 );
			} else {
				this.a.setSize ( 0, this.getDrag () ).setPosition ( 0, 0 );
				this.draggerBar.setSize ( 0, this.dragWidth ).setPosition ( 0, this.getDrag () ).setColour ( this.getColour () ).setCursor ( 's-resize' ).setOverflow ( 'visible' );
				this.b.setSize ( 0, 0 ).setPosition ( 0, this.getDrag () + this.dragWidth );
			// Render  'children'. SplitterPanel does not actually
			// support children of its own (they can never be added
			// to it) - instead, it calls the render methods of its
			// two child panels.
			this.a.render ( this.backingPanel );
			this.draggerBar.render ( this.backingPanel );
			this.b.render ( this.backingPanel );
			this.draggerBar.addEvent ( 'mousedown', function () { 
				// Create a dragger panel with the correct dimensions.
				console.log ( "JIN: splitter starting " + me.getType () + " drag" );
				var dPanel = document.createElement ( 'div' );
				dPanel.style.position = 'absolute';
				dPanel.style.width = me.getActualWidth () + 'px';
				dPanel.style.height = me.getActualHeight () + 'px';
				dPanel.style.backgroundColor = '#000000';
				dPanel.style.cursor = 'w-resize';
				dPanel.style.zIndex = jin.z ();
				if ( me.getType () == 'vertical' ) dPanel.style.cursor = 's-resize';
				dPanel.style.opacity = 0;
				dPanel.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)';
				if ( me.getType () == 'horizontal' ) {
					dPanel.onmousemove = function (e) {
						if ( me.dragCount ++ < me.dragLimit ) { return; } else {
							me.dragCount = 0;
							me.setDrag ( e.pageX - me.getLeft () ); 
							me.render ();
				} else {
					dPanel.onmousemove = function (e) {
						if ( me.dragCount ++ < me.dragLimit ) { return; } else {
							me.dragCount = 0;
							me.setDrag ( e.pageY - me.getTop () ); 
							me.render ();
				dPanel.onmouseup = function (e) {
					console.log ( "JIN: splitter stopping " + me.getType () + " drag" );
					dPanel.parentNode.removeChild ( dPanel );
					if ( window.getSelection )
						window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // for Firefox
				me.backingPanel.appendChild ( dPanel );
				//alert('backadd ' + me.getType ());
			} );

			// Append the backingPanel to the parent as usual.
			this.panelParent.appendChild ( this.backingPanel );
		} else {
			// Handle sizing, including stretching out to parent where necessary
			if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.backingPanel.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
			if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else 
			if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.backingPanel.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else
				{ this.backingPanel.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
			// Handle other styles
			this.backingPanel.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.backingPanel.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.backingPanel.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			this.backingPanel.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
			this.backingPanel.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.backingPanel.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.backingPanel.style.zIndex = z;
			if ( this.splitterType == 'horizontal' ) {
				this.a.setSize ( this.getDrag (), 0 ).setPosition ( 0, 0 );
				this.draggerBar.setSize ( this.dragWidth, 0 ).setPosition ( this.getDrag (), 0 ).setColour ( this.getColour () ).setCursor ( 'w-resize' );
				this.b.setSize ( 0, 0 ).setPosition ( this.getDrag () + this.dragWidth, 0 );
			} else {
				this.a.setSize ( 0, this.getDrag () ).setPosition ( 0, 0 );
				this.draggerBar.setSize ( 0, this.dragWidth ).setPosition ( 0, this.getDrag () ).setColour ( this.getColour () ).setCursor ( 's-resize' );
				this.b.setSize ( 0, 0 ).setPosition ( 0, this.getDrag () + this.dragWidth );
			// Hide if we have no size
			if ( ( this.getActualWidth () <= 0 ) || ( this.getActualHeight <= 0 ) ) { this.backingPanel.style.display = 'none'; } else {
				this.backingPanel.style.display = 'block';
			// Render  'children'. SplitterPanel does not actually
			// support children of its own (they can never be added
			// to it) - instead, it calls the render methods of its
			// two child panels.
			this.left.render ( this.backingPanel );
			this.draggerBar.render ( this.backingPanel );
			this.right.render ( this.backingPanel );
	// reRender requests that this, and all children, remove themselves
	// and restart the rendering process from scratch with their current
	// settings. If this is an initialCall [true], then this object is
	// responsible for re-calling 'render' on the drawing tree.
	this.reRender = function ( initialCall ) {
		// Remove us from the parent, if we exist.
		if ( this.backingPanel != null ) {
			if ( this.panelParent == this.backingPanel.parentNode ) {
				this.panelParent.removeChild ( this.backingPanel );
		// Request for all children.
		this.a.reRender ( false );
		this.b.reRender ( false );
		this.rendered = false;
		// If this is the initial (highest) call, then it is 
		// at the base of the drawing tree and responsible for
		// calling render.
		if ( initialCall ) {
			this.render ();
	this.getCanvas = function () {
		return this.canvas;
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.width;
	this.getActualWidth = function () {
		if ( this.width == 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width, 10 ) - this.getLeft (); } else if ( this.width < 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width, 10 ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft (); } else { return this.width; }
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.height;
	this.getActualHeight = function () {
		if ( this.height == 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height, 10 ) - this.getTop (); } else if ( this.height < 0 ) { return parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height, 10 ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop (); } else { return this.height; }
	this.getTop = function () {
		return this.topPos;
	this.getLeft = function () {
		return this.leftPos;
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.alpha;
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.colour;
	this.getZ = function () {
		return z;
	this.getDrag = function () {
		if ( this.getType () == 'horizontal' ) {
			if ( this.dragPosition > this.getActualWidth () - this.dragTolerance ) this.dragPosition = this.getActualWidth () - this.dragTolerance;
		} else {
			if ( this.dragPosition > this.getActualHeight () - this.dragTolerance ) this.dragPosition = this.getActualHeight () - this.dragTolerance;
		return this.dragPosition;
	this.getType = function () {
		return this.splitterType;
	return this;
Jin.prototype.SplitterPanel = SplitterPanel;

// Class BorderPanel
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// Border panel mimics the tendancy of OS based interfaces
	// to have a padded area with a faint border around many
	// program elements.
function BorderPanel () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	this.top = 0;
	this.left = 0;
	this.width = 0;
	this.height = 0;
	this.padding = 8;
	this.colour = jin.Colour.DARK_GREY;
	this.alpha = 1;
	this.content = '';
	this.exposeElement = null;
	this.panelParent = null;
	this.panelElements = new Array ();
	this.panelEvents = new Array ();
	// Define methods
	this.setLeft = function ( fromLeft ) {
		this.left = fromLeft;
		return this;
	this.setTop = function ( fromTop ) {
		this.top = fromTop;
		return this;
	this.setPosition = function ( fromLeft, fromTop ) {
		this.setLeft ( fromLeft);
		this.setTop ( fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.width = newWidth;
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.height = newHeight;
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.setWidth ( newWidth );
		this.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.alpha = newAlpha;
		return this;
	this.setContent = function ( newContent ) {
		this.content = newContent;
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		if ( typeof newColour != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newColour );
		this.colour = newColour;
		return this;
	this.setPadding = function ( newPadding ) {
		this.padding = newPadding;
		return this;
	this.addEvent = function ( eventType, eventAction ) {
		var tempEvent = new Array ( eventType, eventAction );
		return this.panelEvents.push ( tempEvent ) - 1;
	this.removeEvent = function ( id ) {
		if ( this.panelEvents[id] ) this.panelEvents[id] = null;
		return id;
	this.add = function ( addItem ) {
		return this.panelElements.push ( addItem ) - 1;
	this.render = function () {
		// All 'childen' of Canvas must expose a method called render. This method
		// takes a document element and appends the created object onto it.
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.panelParent == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Panel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) this.panelParent = arguments [0];
		if ( this.panelParent == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Panel cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.panelParent );
		if ( typeof this.panelParent.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element" );
		// Create the panel
		var panelBack = document.createElement ( 'div' );
		// Handle sizing, including stretching out to parent where necessary
		if ( this.width == 0 ) { this.panelBack.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else 
		if ( this.width < 0 ) { this.panelBack.style.width = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.width ) + this.getWidth () - this.getLeft () ) + 'px'; } else
			{ this.panelBack.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px'; }
		if ( this.height == 0 ) { this.panelBack.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else 
		if ( this.height < 0 ) { this.panelBack.style.height = ( parseInt ( this.panelParent.style.height ) + this.getHeight () - this.getTop () ) + 'px'; } else
			{ this.panelBack.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px'; }
		// Handle other styles
		panelBack.style.position = 'absolute';
		panelBack.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
		panelBack.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
		panelBack.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
		panelBack.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
		panelBack.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
		// Create the border panel
		var panelBorder = document.createElement ( 'div' );
		// Handle sizing & position
		panelBorder.style.position = 'absolute';
		panelBorder.style.left = Math.floor ( this.getPadding () / 2 ) + 'px';
		panelBorder.style.top = Math.floor ( this.getPadding () / 2 ) + 'px';
		panelBorder.style.width = Math.floor ( parseInt ( panelBack.style.width ) - ( this.getPadding () + 1 ) ) + 'px';
		panelBorder.style.height = Math.floor ( parseInt ( panelBack.style.height ) - ( this.getPadding () + 1 ) ) + 'px';
		panelBorder.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
		panelBorder.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
		panelBorder.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
		// Handle colouring
		try {
			var colour = jin.Colour.toRgb ( this.getColour () );
		} catch ( e ) {
			// already an rgb.
			var colour = this.getColour ();
		for ( var i = 0; i < colour.length; i ++ ) {
			colour [i] -= 90;
			if ( colour [i] < 0 ) colour[i] = 0;
		panelBorder.style.borderColor = jin.Colour.toHex ( colour );
		panelBorder.style.borderWidth = '1px';
		panelBorder.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
		// Create the content panel
		var panelMain = document.createElement ( 'div' );
		panelMain.innerHTML = this.getContent ();
		// Handle sizing & position
		panelMain.style.position = 'absolute';
		panelMain.style.left = Math.floor ( this.getPadding () / 2 ) + 'px';
		panelMain.style.top = Math.floor ( this.getPadding () / 2 ) + 'px';
		panelMain.style.width = Math.floor ( parseInt ( panelBorder.style.width ) - ( this.getPadding () ) ) + 'px';
		panelMain.style.height = Math.floor ( parseInt ( panelBorder.style.height ) - ( this.getPadding () ) ) + 'px';
		panelMain.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour ();
		panelMain.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
		panelMain.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
		// Connect events to this panel
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelEvents.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( this.panelEvents[i] == null ) continue;
			jin.elementEvent ( panelMain, this.panelEvents[i][0], this.panelEvents[i][1] );
		// Render children onto the panel
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ! this.panelElements[i].render ) continue;
			this.panelElements[i].render ( panelMain );
		// Render
			// Remove self from parent
			if ( this.exposeElement != null ) {
				if ( this.panelParent == this.exposeElement.parentNode ) {
					this.panelParent.removeChild ( this.exposeElement );
			// Attach new self to parent
			this.exposeElement = panelBack;
			panelBorder.appendChild ( panelMain );
			this.exposeElement.appendChild ( panelBorder );
			this.panelParent.appendChild ( this.exposeElement );
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.width;
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.height;
	this.getTop = function () {
		return this.top;
	this.getLeft = function () {
		return this.left;
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.alpha;
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.colour;
	this.getPadding = function () {
		return this.padding;
	// Run constructor
	return this;
Jin.prototype.BorderPanel = BorderPanel;

// Class Toolbar
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// A toolbar provides a panel like experience that lays
	// out buttons in a horizontal format.
	// manipulate it.
function Toolbar () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	this.type = 'toolbar';
	this.buttonSpacing = 20;
	this.buttonPreference = 'left';
	this.alignSpacing = 10;
	this.verticalAlign = 'center';
	this.rendered = false;
	this.buttons = new Array ();
	this.toolbar = new jin.Panel ();
	this.toolbarParent = null;
	// Define methods
	this.setCanvas = function ( newCanvas ) {
		this.toolbar.setCanvas ( newCanvas );
		return this;
	this.setLeft = function ( fromLeft ) {
		this.toolbar.setLeft ( fromLeft );
		return this;
	this.setTop = function ( fromTop ) {
		this.toolbar.setTop ( fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setPosition = function ( fromLeft, fromTop ) {
		this.toolbar.setPosition ( fromLeft, fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.toolbar.setWidth ( newWidth );
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.toolbar.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.toolbar.setSize ( newWidth, newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.toolbar.setAlpha ( newAlpha );
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		this.toolbar.setColour ( newColour );
		return this;
	this.setCursor = function ( newCursor ) {
		this.toolbar.setCursor ( newCursor );
		return this;
	this.setSpacing = function ( newSpacing ) {
		this.buttonSpacing = newSpacing;
		return this;
	this.setVerticalAlign = function ( newAlign ) {
		this.verticalAlign = newAlign;
		return this;
	this.setAlignSpace = function ( newAlign ) {
		this.alignSpacing = newAlign;
		return this;
	this.setPreference = function ( newPreference ) {
		this.buttonPreference = newPreference;
		return this;
	this.setParent = function ( newParent ) {
		this.toolbar.setParent ( newParent );
		return this;
	this.add = function ( newButton ) {
		if ( typeof newButton != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object//button, Found: " + typeof newButton );
		if ( typeof newButton.type == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object//button, Found: " + typeof newButton );
		this.buttons.push ( newButton );
		return this;
	this.render = function () {
		** A toolbar contains an array of buttons and consists of a panel. It,
		** works by assigning positions to its buttons, adding them to its 
		** internal panel, and then rendering that panel onto the parent of
		** the toolbar. Importantly, there is no externally provided method of
		** adding directly to the internal panel.
		** Because the internal panel is provided to the buttons as the parent,
		** they can simply render to it as they would any other panel, but their
		** positions will be internally adjusted.
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.toolbarParent == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Toolbar cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) { this.toolbarParent = arguments [0]; this.toolbar.panelParent = this.toolbarParent; }
		if ( this.toolbarParent == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Toolbar cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.toolbarParent != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.toolbarParent );
		if ( typeof this.toolbarParent.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element, not found" );
		if ( this.rendered ) {
			this.toolbar.clear ();
		} else {
			this.rendered = true;
		var left = new Array ();
		var right = new Array ();
		// Split buttons into relevant sides.
		for ( i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( this.buttons[i].getAlignment () == 'left' ) {
				left.push ( this.buttons[i] );
			} else {
				right.push ( this.buttons[i] );
		// Handle vertical alignment.
		switch ( this.getVerticalAlign () ) {
			case 'top':
				for ( i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i ++ ) {
					this.buttons[i].setTop ( this.getAlignSpace () );
			case 'center':
				for ( i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i ++ ) {
					this.buttons[i].setTop ( ( this.getActualHeight () / 2 ) - ( this.buttons[i].getHeight () / 2 ) );
			case 'bottom':
				for ( i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i ++ ) {
					this.buttons[i].setTop ( this.getActualHeight () - ( this.getAlignSpace () + this.buttons[i].getHeight () ) );
		// Render each button to the panel.
		if ( this.getPreference () != 'left' ) {
			var rightPos = leftPos = spacing = this.getSpacing ();
			for ( var i = 0; i < right.length; i ++ ) {
				var t = right[i];
				if ( ( rightPos + t.getWidth () + spacing ) > this.getActualWidth () ) {
				t.setLeft ( this.getActualWidth () - ( rightPos + t.getWidth () ) );
				this.toolbar.add ( t );
				rightPos += spacing + t.getWidth ();
			for ( var i = 0; i < left.length; i ++ ) {
				var t = left[i];
				if ( ( rightPos + leftPos + t.getWidth () ) > this.getActualWidth () ) {
				t.setLeft ( leftPos );
				this.toolbar.add ( t );
				leftPos += spacing + t.getWidth ();
		} else {
			var rightPos = leftPos = spacing = this.getSpacing ();
			for ( var i = 0; i < left.length; i ++ ) {
				var t = left[i];
				if ( ( leftPos + t.getWidth () + spacing ) > this.getActualWidth ()  ) {
				t.setLeft ( leftPos );
				this.toolbar.add ( t );
				leftPos += spacing + t.getWidth ();
			for ( var i = 0; i < right.length; i ++ ) {
				var t = right[i];
				if ( this.getActualWidth () < ( leftPos + rightPos + t.getWidth () ) ) {
				t.setLeft ( this.getActualWidth () - ( rightPos + t.getWidth () ) );
				this.toolbar.add ( t );
				rightPos += spacing + t.getWidth ();
		this.toolbar.render ( this.toolbarParent );
	// reRender requests that this, and all children, remove themselves
	// and restart the rendering process from scratch with their current
	// settings. If this is an initialCall [true], then this object is
	// responsible for re-calling 'render' on the drawing tree.
	this.reRender = function ( initialCall ) {
		// Remove us from the parent, if we exist.
		if ( this.panel != null ) {
			if ( this.panelParent == this.panel.parentNode ) {
				this.panelParent.removeChild ( this.panel );
		// Request for all children.
		for ( var i = 0; i < this.panelElements.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ! this.panelElements[i].reRender ) continue;
			this.panelElements[i].reRender ( false );
		this.rendered = false;
		// If this is the initial (highest) call, then it is 
		// at the base of the drawing tree and responsible for
		// calling render.
		if ( initialCall ) {
			this.render ();
	this.destroy = function () {
		return this.toolbar.destroy ();
	this.getCanvas = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getCanvas ();
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getWidth ();
	this.getActualWidth = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getActualWidth ();
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getHeight ();
	this.getActualHeight = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getActualHeight ();
	this.getTop = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getTop ();
	this.getLeft = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getLeft ();
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getAlpha ();
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getColour ();
	this.getCursor = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getCursor ();
	this.getSpacing = function () {
		return this.buttonSpacing;
	this.getVerticalAlign = function () {
		return this.verticalAlign;
	this.getAlignSpace = function () {
		return this.alignSpacing;
	this.getPreference = function () {
		return this.buttonPreference;
	this.getParent = function () {
		return this.toolbar.getParent ();
	// Run constructor
	return this
Jin.prototype.Toolbar = Toolbar;

// Class Button
	// prototyped -> Jin
	// The button gives a resizable, colourable button element
	// that can take text, an image or both; cannot be selected;
	// and uses the browser button as its base. This simply provides
	// a standard way for other elements and the programmer to 
	// manipulate it.
function Button () {
	var me = this;
	this.type = '';
	if ( arguments.length == 0 ) {
		this.type = 'button';
	} else if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'string' ) {
		this.type = arguments[0];
	} else this.type = 'button';
	this.top = 0;
	this.left = 0;
	this.width = 50;
	this.height = 30;
	this.colour = jin.Colour.DARK_GREY;
	this.alpha = 1;
	this.z = jin.z ();
	this.cursor = 'auto';
	this.alignment = 'left';
	this.image = '';
	this.text = '';
	this.parent = null;
	this.rendered = false;
	this.panelParent = null;
	this.button = null;
	this.canvas = null;
	this.buttonEvents = new jin.ElementEvents (); //new Array ();
	this.setAlignment = function ( newAlign ) {
		this.alignment = newAlign;
		return this;
	this.setCanvas = function ( newCanvas ) {
		this.canvas = newCanvas;
		return this;
	this.setLeft = function ( fromLeft ) {
		this.left = fromLeft;
		return this;
	this.setTop = function ( fromTop ) {
		this.top = fromTop;
		return this;
	this.setPosition = function ( fromLeft, fromTop ) {
		this.setLeft ( fromLeft );
		this.setTop ( fromTop );
		return this;
	this.setWidth = function ( newWidth ) {
		this.width = newWidth;
		return this;
	this.setHeight = function ( newHeight ) {
		this.height = newHeight;
		return this;
	this.setSize = function ( newWidth, newHeight ) {
		this.setWidth ( newWidth );
		this.setHeight ( newHeight );
		return this;
	this.setAlpha = function ( newAlpha ) {
		this.alpha = newAlpha;
		return this;
	this.setText = function ( newText ) {
		if ( typeof newText != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newText );
		this.text = newText;
		return this;
	this.setImage = function ( newImage ) {
		if ( typeof newImage != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newImage );
		this.image = newImage;
		return this;
	this.setColour = function ( newColour ) {
		if ( typeof newColour != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newColour );
		this.colour = newColour;
		return this;
	this.setCursor = function ( newCursor ) {
		if ( typeof newCursor != "string" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: string, Found: " + typeof newursor );
		this.cursor = newCursor;
		return this;
	this.setParent = function ( newParent ) {
		this.parent = newParent;
		return this;
	this.addEvent = function ( eventType, eventAction ) {
		this.buttonEvents.add ( eventType, eventAction );
		return 1;
	this.removeEvent = function ( id ) {
		if ( this.buttonEvents[id] ) this.buttonEvents[id] = null;
		return id;
	this.render = function () {
		if ( ( arguments.length == 0 ) && ( this.buttonParent == null ) ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Button cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof arguments [0] == "object" ) this.buttonParent = arguments [0];
		if ( this.buttonParent == null ) throw new NullValueException ( "Objects of type Button cannot render to null parent" );
		if ( typeof this.buttonParent != "object" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: object, Found: " + typeof this.buttonParent );
		if ( typeof this.buttonParent.childNodes == "undefined" ) throw new InvalidTypeException ( "Expecting: DOM Element, not found" );
		if ( ! this.rendered ) {
			this.rendered = true;
			// Create the button
			if ( this.type == 'flat' ) {
				this.button = document.createElement ( 'div' );
			} else {
				this.button = document.createElement ( 'input' );
				this.button.type = 'button';
			// Handle sizing. Buttons are always a fixed size.
			this.button.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px';
			this.button.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px';
			// Handle other styles
			this.button.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.button.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.button.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			if ( this.getColour () == 'inherit' ) { this.button.style.backgroundColor = this.getParent ().getColour (); } else { this.button.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour (); }
			this.button.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.button.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.button.style.cursor = this.getCursor ();
			this.button.style.zIndex = this.z;
			// Handle text
			this.button.value = this.getText ();
			// Handle image
			if ( this.getImage () !== '' ) { this.button.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.getImage ()+')'; } else { this.button.style.backgroundImage = 'none'; }
			// Connect events to this panel
			this.buttonEvents.bind ( this.button );
			this.buttonParent.appendChild ( this.button );
		} else {
			// Handle sizing.
			this.button.style.width = this.getWidth () + 'px';
			this.button.style.height = this.getHeight () + 'px';
			// Handle other styles
			this.button.style.position = 'absolute';
			this.button.style.left = this.getLeft () + 'px';
			this.button.style.top = this.getTop () + 'px';
			if ( this.getColour () == 'inherit' ) { this.button.style.backgroundColor = this.getParent ().getColour (); } else { this.button.style.backgroundColor = this.getColour (); }
			this.button.style.opacity = this.getAlpha ();
			this.button.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.getAlpha () * 100 + ')';
			this.button.style.cursor = this.getCursor ();
			// Handle text
			this.button.value = this.getText ();
			// Handle image
			if ( this.getImage () !== '' ) { this.button.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.getImage ()+')'; } else { this.button.style.backgroundImage = 'none'; }
	// The opposite of render - destroy me and all children.
	this.destroy = function () {
		if ( this.button != null ) {
			if ( this.buttonParent == this.button.parentNode ) {
				this.buttonParent.removeChild ( this.button );
		this.rendered = false;
		return this;
	this.getAlignment = function () {
		return this.alignment;
	this.getCanvas = function () {
		return this.canvas;
	this.getWidth = function () {
		return this.width;
	this.getHeight = function () {
		return this.height;
	this.getTop = function () {
		return this.top;
	this.getLeft = function () {
		return this.left;
	this.getAlpha = function () {
		return this.alpha;
	this.getImage = function () {
		return this.image;
	this.getText = function () {
		return this.text;
	this.getColour = function () {
		return this.colour;
	this.getCursor = function () {
		return this.cursor;
	this.getParent = function () {
		return this.parent;
	// Run constructor
	return this;
Jin.prototype.Button = Button;
	STATICS ==========================

// Class Colour [static]
	// prototyped -> Jin

function Colour () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	this.WHITE = '#ffffff';
	this.LIGHT_GREY = '#dddddd';
	this.GREY = '#aaaaaa';
	this.DARK_GREY = '#444444';
	this.BLACK = '#000000';
	this.RED = '#ff0000';
	this.GREEN = '#00ff00';
	this.BLUE = '#0000ff';
	// Define methods
	this.toRgb = function ( hex ) {
		if ( typeof hex != 'string' ) throw new InvalidTypeException ();
		if ( hex.indexOf ( '#' ) == 0 ) hex = hex.substr ( 1 );
		if ( hex.length != 6 ) throw new BadArgumentsException ();
		var rgb = new Array ( parseInt ( hex.substr ( 0, 2 ), 16 ), parseInt ( hex.substr ( 2, 2 ), 16 ), parseInt ( hex.substr ( 4, 2 ), 16 ) );
		return rgb;
	this.toHex = function () {
		var hex = '#';
		if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
			for ( var i = 0; i < arguments[0].length; i ++ ) {
				if ( arguments[0][i] == 0 ) { hex += '00'; } else {
					hex += arguments[0][i].toString ( 16 );
		} else if ( arguments.length == 3 ) {
			for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
				if ( arguments[i] == 0 ) { hex += '00'; } else {
					hex += arguments[i].toString ( 16 );
		} else throw new BadArgumentsException ();
		return hex;
	// Run constructor
	return this;
Jin.prototype.Colour = new Colour ();

// === EXCEPTIONS ==========
function NullValueException () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	var message = "";
	this.id = "NullValueException";
	// Define methods
	this.getId = function () {
		return this.id;
	this.getMessage = function () {
		return this.id + ( ( message != "" ) ? ( ": " + message ) : "" );
	// Run constructor
	if ( typeof arguments [0] == "string" ) {
		message = arguments [0];
	return this.getMessage ();

function InvalidTypeException () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	var message = "";
	this.id = "InvalidTypeException";
	// Define methods
	this.getId = function () {
		return this.id;
	this.getMessage = function () {
		return this.id + ( ( message != "" ) ? ( ": " + message ) : "" );
	// Run constructor
	if ( typeof arguments [0] == "string" ) {
		message = arguments [0];
	return this.getMessage ();

function BadArgumentsException () {
	// Define state
	var me = this;
	var message = "";
	this.id = "BadArgumentsException";
	// Define methods
	this.getId = function () {
		return this.id;
	this.getMessage = function () {
		return this.id + ( ( message != "" ) ? ( ": " + message ) : "" );
	// Run constructor
	if ( typeof arguments [0] == "string" ) {
		message = arguments [0];
	return this.getMessage ();