بین الویکی معلومات کی نمائش

This is an overview of the interwiki table, which defines the prefix shortcuts used to quickly link to different wikis and other external sites. For recommended use, please see the manual on MediaWiki.org.

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سابقے Interwiki prefix to be used in [[prefix:pagename]] wikitext syntax.
URL Template for URLs. The placeholder $1 will be replaced by the pagename in [[prefix:pagename]].
Forward جی ہاں External HTTP requests to the local wiki using this interwiki prefix will be redirected to the target URL of the interwiki (i.e. treated like links to local pages).
نہیں External HTTP requests to the local wiki using this interwiki prefix in the URL will result in a "خراب عنوان" error page.
Transclude جی ہاں If wikitext syntax {{prefix:pagename}} is used, allow template/page transclusion from the foreign wiki if interwiki transclusions are enabled in general (scary transclusion).
نہیں Do not allow {{prefix:pagename}} to transclude foreign templates/pages, rather look for a local page in the template namespace.

Interwiki prefixes


Interlanguage prefixes

These prefixes match defined language codes, and will be used to create the "دیگر زبانوں میں" listing when added to a page.

arhttps://ar.wikishiapoetry.net/wiki/$1جی ہاںنہیں
azbhttps://azb.wikishiapoetry.net/wiki/$1جی ہاںنہیں
fahttps://fa.wikishiapoetry.net/wiki/$1جی ہاںنہیں
urhttps://ur.wikishiapoetry.net/wiki/$1جی ہاںنہیں